Adding Assets in Jolt
Jolt assets can be used for Work Orders and Audits. For example, you can open a work order on an asset and track repair costs against the asset to help with repair/replace decisions.
Before you begin
Asset templates are defined so that you can have all of your locations add assets in the same format using the template. Creating a template lets you control which information you want to track on your assets, e.g., make, model, serial number, etc. For more information on creating templates, see the Creating Asset Templates support article.
Once you create a template, you can add assets into each location and then assign them to work orders.
Typically assets belong to locations and they should be entered in location mode for each location in Jolt. For more information on modes in Jolt, see the article Location Mode vs. Content Group Mode in Jolt.
Adding Assets
To set up an asset template, take the following steps:
Navigate to Asset management
On the Jolt Web Portal in location mode, navigate to Lists | Asset Management.
Make sure you’re on the Assets tab.
Select the asset type
Click on the asset type you want to add.
Add the assets
Click the blue Plus button to open the side sheet.
Give the asset a unique name.
Important: The name is how the asset is identified in the UI so it must be unique so everyone knows exactly which asset they are looking at.
Fill in the information for the asset and click save.
Enter assets for other locations.
In the top right of the page, use the location switcher to change to other locations.
Follow steps 1-3 for your other locations.