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Work Orders on the Jolt App
Work Orders on the Jolt App

Once you have work orders templates defined, you can create, edit, and close work orders on a mobile device.

Curtis Nash avatar
Written by Curtis Nash
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Once you have work orders templates defined, you can create, edit, and close work orders on a mobile device.

Setting Up Work Order Templates

For detailed setup instructions, refer to these articles:

Creating a Work Order

  1. Navigate to Work Orders:

    • Log into the app and tap on Lists.

    • Tap the Work Orders folder and Open Work Orders.

  2. Create a Work Order:

    • Tap the blue Plus button to show the list of templates.

      1. Note: Your role must be assigned to the template for it to display in this list.

    • Select a template.

  • Type in the Summary. This is a short description of the issue.

  • Due date, expiration, and assignment are optional. Tap any of them to make a change if desired.

  1. Tap Create to start the work order.

Changing a Work Order

  1. Find the work order:

    • Work orders are sorted by created date/time descending with the newest work orders at the top.

  2. Change the items:

    • Select the work order from the list and tap an item to change the value.

  3. Changing who a work order is assigned to:

    • If the work order is already assigned, you can tap on the work order in the list and tap on the person’s avatar to open the Summary screen.

      1. Tap the Assign To row and select another person.

    • If the work order isn’t assigned to anyone, select the work order in the list and tap the More Options button in the blue Summary bar and select Edit Work Order from the bottom sheet.

  1. Tap the Assign To row and select another person.

  1. Changing the summary:

    • Select the work order from the list.

    • Tap on the More Options button in the blue Summary bar to open the bottom sheet.

    • Tap Edit Work Order to show the Summary screen.

    • Tap on the Summary row and change the summary.

    • Tap Save Changes.

  2. Deleting the work order:

    • Tap on the More Options button in the blue Summary bar to open the bottom sheet.

    • Tap Delete Work Order and tap Yes, Delete on the Confirm deletion modal.

  3. Changing the due/expiration date:

    • Tap on the More Options button in the blue Summary bar to open the bottom sheet.

    • Tap Edit Work Order to show the Summary screen.

    • Tap on the date field and select a new date.

    • Tap Save Changes.

Closing a Work Order

  1. Find the work order.

  2. Complete all required items.

    • The Required button displays on every required item.

    • You can tap on the button to show why it is required.

  3. Close the work order:

    • Once all of the required items have been completed, tap the Close Work Order button.

  • The work order is moved to the Closed Work Orders folder.

    1. To see closed work orders, tap the Back Arrow button on the top left and tap the Closed Work Orders folder.

Using Posts on a Work Order

  1. Navigate to Posts

    • Select a work order on the list.

    • Tap the Posts tab on the right.

  1. Write a Post

    • Tap the Write a Post button

    • Type in what you want to say.

    • Type an @ symbol to see a list of people you can mention in the post.

      1. Note: The list of people you can mention is filtered to:

        1. People who have access to the work order location.

        2. Are in a role that is authorized to the template.

      2. Select a person to receive a notification about the work order.

    • Tap the “Add post to Logbook” checkbox if you’re using Jolt Logbook and want the entry to appear in the Logbook.

    • Tap the Video or Camera icon to attach media to the post.

  • Tap the Post button to complete the post.

  1. Start a new thread (post):

    • Once a post has been made on a work order, you can start a new thread by tapping on the Posts tab and tapping the New Thread button.

  2. Flag or Resolve a Post:

    • When writing a post, you can tap the Flag button to “flag” the post.

      1. This will cause a red flag to appear by the work order in the list and on the Web Portal and call attention to issues on the work order that need to be resolved.

    • Once an issue has been resolved, you can tap the Check icon on a post to remove the flag and mark it resolved.

  3. Watch for Post Notifications:

    • When a work order has unread posts, a red dot appears by the work order.

  • Tap on the Posts tab to see the post and mark it read.

  • Note: Jolt keeps track of the number of comments and the viewers on posts.

    1. To see who viewed a post:

      1. Select the work order from the list and tap on the Posts tab.

      2. Tap on the Views count above the comment section to show Entry Readers modal.

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