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Manage Schedule Requests and Employee Availability
Manage Schedule Requests and Employee Availability
Curtis Nash avatar
Written by Curtis Nash
Updated over a week ago

Manage Schedule Requests and Employee Availability | Admin

Overview: As an Admin on the Jolt Web Portal, you can manage schedule requests and employee availability. This guide covers how to handle these tasks effectively.

Admin Roles:

  • Company Admin

  • Content Group Admin

  • Location Website Admin

Web Portal:

  • Admins with the appropriate roles can manage schedules directly from the Jolt Web Portal.

  • Location Website Admins can also manage schedules using Jolt Lite on their smartphones and receive push notifications for Shift Trades, Availability, and Time Off requests.

  • Company Admins and Content Group Admins can view and manage requests via the Web Portal but need specific roles to receive notifications on Jolt Lite.

Instructions for Web Portal:

  1. Login:

    • Log into the Jolt Web Portal.

  2. Manage Availability and Time Off:

    • Refer to the article Manage Availability and Time Off | Admins for detailed instructions on handling availability and time off requests.

  3. Create Scheduling Requests:

    • Refer to the article Create Scheduling Requests on Behalf of Employees for steps on how to create scheduling requests for employees.

Jolt Lite:

  • Location Website Admins can use Jolt Lite to receive push notifications for employee requests.

  • Company Admins and Content Group Admins can log in to Jolt Lite to receive notifications, provided they have the appropriate role.

Instructions for Jolt Lite:

  1. Manage Employee Availability:

    • Refer to the article Manage Employee Availability for instructions on how to approve or adjust employee availability.

  2. Approve Time Off:

    • Refer to the article Approve Time Off for steps on how to approve or deny time off requests.

  3. Approve a Shift Trade:

    • Refer to the article Approve a Shift Trade for details on handling shift trade requests.

Additional Information:

  • For more details on building or changing schedule settings, refer to the article Scheduling.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q: How can I manage schedule requests as an Admin?

A: You can manage schedule requests from the Jolt Web Portal. Refer to the articles Manage Availability and Time Off | Admins and Create Scheduling Requests on Behalf of Employees for detailed instructions.

Q: Can I receive notifications for schedule requests on my smartphone?

A: Yes, Location Website Admins can receive push notifications for Shift Trades, Availability, and Time Off requests using Jolt Lite. Company and Content Group Admins also need the appropriate role to receive notifications on Jolt Lite.

Q: Where can I find more information on schedule settings?

A: For more information on building or changing schedule settings, refer to the article Scheduling.

By following these steps, you can efficiently manage schedule requests and employee availability as an Admin on the Jolt Web Portal and Jolt Lite.

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