How to Set Up Label Prep Templates in the Jolt Web Portal
Label Prep templates help you manage how many labels need to be printed based on your inventory and expected sales. This setup ensures you print the right number of labels for the items you need each day.
Note: Label Prep is only available at the location level. Make sure to select the correct location before starting.
Before you begin: Ensure you have created labels and categories.
Steps to Create a Label Prep Template
Log In to the Jolt Web Portal
Go to Labeling and then Label Prep.
Access Label Prep
Click on Label Prep. Remember, you need to select a location first as Label Prep is location-specific.
Create a New Label Prep Template
Click on New Label Prep.
Name your template based on the type of prep needed for the day. For example: "Weekday Prep," "Weekend Prep," "Holiday Prep," or "Taco Tuesday Prep."
Select Labels for the Template
Define Prep Formulas
You will need to create a prep formula for each label. The formula includes four input fields:
Sales: Specify how many labels to prepare based on expected sales. For example, "For every $50 in sales, prepare 10 trays of cookies."
Amount (# of Units): Enter the number of units needed based on the sales formula.
Unit Name: Specify the unit of measurement for this label (e.g., Bags, Pounds, Trays, Plates).
Minimum (Min Units): Set the minimum number of items that should be available, regardless of sales.
Complete the Prep Formula Setup
View and Manage Label Prep Templates
Edit or Manage Templates
Additional Information
Refer to the article Label Prep | Printing and Application for details on how to print and apply your labels once the template is set up.
Need Help? If you have questions or run into issues, check the Jolt Web Portal User Guide or contact support for assistance.
By following these steps, you’ll ensure that your label printing process is efficient and aligns with your daily inventory needs.