Auditing list items ensures accuracy in list reporting and allows for the correction of list completion errors. This process helps in awarding points to employees accurately based on task completion.
Steps to Audit a List
Login to the Jolt Web Portal:
Navigate to Lists then Browse Lists.
Select the List:
Use the drop-down menu to choose the List you want to audit.
Select the Date:
Choose the specific date for the List Instance you wish to audit.
Select the List Instance:
Make Changes to List Items:
Select the List Item you want to edit.
Correct Task Completion:
If a task was marked as complete but not done, change the status to Not Completed.
The points awarded to the employee for that task will be removed.
Add an Audit Comment:
Save Changes:
Select Save to apply the changes. These will be noted at the bottom of the list.
Task Reappearance on iPad:
If the audit was made to an item on a checklist, the task marked as incomplete will reappear on the iPad for the employee to complete properly.
It will not reappear on the iPad if a new List Schedule time for the list has already populated (when Bump Lists is also enabled).
Form Correction:
If you audit an item on a form and mark it as incomplete, the entire form will reappear on the iPad for correction and resubmission.
Audit Trail:
Benefits of Auditing Lists
Accuracy: Ensures the accuracy of list reporting.
Fairness: Employees are awarded points accurately based on their actual work.
Accountability: Maintains a clear record of changes and corrections.
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Keywords: Auditing List, List Reporting, Task Completion, Jolt Web Portal, List Instance, Audit Comment, Checklist, Form Correction, Audit Trail, Points Awarding, Employee Accuracy.