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FAQ: How to Set Up List Permissions as a Content Group Admin
FAQ: How to Set Up List Permissions as a Content Group Admin
Curtis Nash avatar
Written by Curtis Nash
Updated over a week ago

FAQ: How to Set Up List Permissions as a Content Group Admin

1. What is the Content Group Mode?

Content Group Mode allows Content Group Admins to manage permissions for lists across multiple locations in your company. Ensure you are in Content Group Mode to set these permissions effectively.

2. How do I log into the Jolt Web Portal?

Open the Jolt Web Portal on your computer and log in with your admin credentials.

3. How do I access list settings?

Navigate to the Lists section and click on Edit Lists.

4. How do I switch to Content Group Mode?

In the top right corner of the page, use the drop-down menu to select Content Group Mode.

5. How can I create or edit a list?

You can either Create a New List or Edit an Existing List from the Lists section.

6. How do I set role-based access for a list?

  • Assign Roles: Specify which roles can Assign or Manage the list. For detailed instructions, refer to the article Role-based Access for Lists.

  • Create List Instances: Decide if users can create a list outside the scheduled times. For more details, check out Create List Instances on the Jolt App.

7. How do I configure list item settings?

  • Required Items: Choose if each list item should be Required or can be marked as Not Applicable (N/A) by locations. If unchecked, locations can mark items as N/A. For more information, see Make an Item Optional | Mark as N/A or Out of Order.

  • Deactivate Items: Allow locations to completely deactivate list items if they are not relevant. Check the box to enable this option for Location Website Admins.

  • Edit Prompt Text: Allow Location Website Admins to change the name or prompt text of list items. Check the box if you want to enable this feature.

8. What are the advanced sharing settings?

  • Deactivate List: Enable locations and subscribers to deactivate the entire list by checking this option.

  • Change List Schedules: Allow locations and subscribers to modify the list schedule. Enable this option to let them adjust when the list is due.

9. How do I manage location activation?

  • Current Locations: Select which current locations will have access to the list. Choose the specific locations where the list will be active.

  • New Locations: Set whether the list will be automatically activated or deactivated for any new locations added in the future. You can adjust these settings later if needed.

10. Where can I find additional resources?

  • List Permission Settings | Location Website Admin: Learn about permission settings that can be configured at the Location level.

  • Reactivate Deleted Profiles: Find out how to reactivate deleted profiles.

By following these FAQs, you can manage list permissions effectively as a Content Group Admin and ensure proper access and functionality across your company's locations.

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